Portfolio  > WebMythos Prototype WebsiteBack to portfolio >

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Client overview: 
Social media start-up
About this website: 

We built a functional prototype for a unique and social networking website focusing on creativity and collaboration.

The prototype focuses on the features which are unique to WebMythos and implements a sophisticated UI designed to make the website's features as intuitive and simple as possible for the user.

We used Ruby on Rails and MySQL for the prototype's back-end, with heavy use of custom JQuery on the front-end. Additionally, we built the front-end to be as adaptive as possible, supporting standard monitors, wide-screen monitors, and mobile devices easily.

Services provided: 
Web and architectural design, development, web hosting
Technology used: 
Ruby on Rails, MySQL, HTML, CSS, custom JQuery, WordPress (for the blog area), Photoshop, Illustrator
  • Website design
  • Web development
  • Custom blog themes
  • Custom CMS themes
  • Website facelifts
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Full-service web hosting
  • Email accounts
  • Email forwarding
  • Technical support
  • Small business services
  • Corporate and non-profit outsourcing